tesco express knaresborough
brightening up tesco express knaresborough! last week we gave the store a fresh, welcoming look that’s easy to navigate and community-friendly. 💙 ⭐
omega scales new heights with jlp
following the successful install at chester last year omega were awarded 2 new install sites for jlp, one at their new site in exeter and the other at their joint venture site with waitrose in ipswich. both sites had challenging briefs and close teamwork between omega and john lewis was essential throughout.
the exeter install was a large new store, right in the centre of the city and there were access and major planning issues regarding the signage to contend with. not only this but the building was 7 storeys high and jlp wanted vertical sign banners starting from the high west point down the side of the building. working at such a great height was difficult and required a huge cherry picker the like of which had not been seen before at omega. however the results are amazing as the signs are fitted with a combination of halo and edge lit illumination so that they can be seen right across town.
the building also has a large glass curved atrium and as everyone knows mounting a sign on a glass fascia let alone a curved one requires meticulous planning! omega had to work extremely closely with the glazing and steel contractors but the effect is stunning.
the entire process has been a great success and the whole concept has been entered into the retail store of the year awards with winners due to be announced in march 2013. omega were also chosen to be the signage partners for the new flagship ipswich store in which waitrose supermarket and john lewis at home shop to open next door to each other. the main challenge was to ensure the branding for each store was impactful and clearly reflected the core brand values but also that the two brands complemented each other and worked in harmony. this was particularly important at the entrance, which both brands shared, and in the car park where joint totem poles were erected. as you can see from the photos the result is truly impressive and both jlp and waitrose were delighted.
to find out how we can help you further please contact us either by phone on 0113 240 3000 or email on info@omega-signs.co.uk. alternatively complete the online enquiry form.
Our Address
newmarket approach, leeds LS9 0RJ