ASDA Chilled

Case StudyASDA Chilled

asda were looking for a signage company to manage the internal reconfiguration of their asda chilled food area in all stores. omega were the perfect partner.

omega has had a long standing relationship with asda providing internal and external signage for their stores for over 20 years.

the programme was significant as it involved the whole estate. it had to reflect that there were differing needs depending on the size and age of each store. the timescales were very tight and the new layout needed to be completed in all stores in a 4 week time period.

initially each store had to be assessed to identify the exact requirements. it was clear that a field survey of every store was not possible in the time frame. because of omega’s long standing relationship with asda we have a comprehensive view of each store. in many cases we were able to complete desk top analysis to assess the needs of individual stores. field surveys were only done where necessary.

with no two stores the same the project was very bespoke in nature. omega’s strong project management skills and attention to detail came to the fore to keep the project on track and to specification. omega undertook all the manufacturing and installation. it liaised with external contractors minimising store disruption. all of the installation was completed in store overnight.

the reconfiguration of the chilled signage was completed in the timescale in around 300 stores. a mammoth job but one that we can be very proud of.

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